Lessons Learned From Migrating My Crochet Blog From Typepad to WordPress.com

I’ve re-inserted just about all of my photos back into this blog. The farther back in time I went, I discovered that a few of the photos had vanished unfortunately (I indicated in updates when this happened.)

While re-inserting the photos was a pain in the you-know-what, I can say that I learned a lot from the experience. It also gave me a chance to check the links in the posts to make sure they still worked. I had to update quite a few of them.

Three Lessons Learned

So here are the three most important lessons I learned switching from Typepad to WordPress.com:

  1. Make sure you check to see how much you can move. I ended up losing a year’s worth of posts because I exceeded the limit of file space that can be transferred. I found it very interesting (syncrhonistic? serendipitous?) that the first post on this WordPress.com platform is of my arrival to Hawaii after moving from Washington DC.
  2. Make sure you know what gets transferred. I had no idea that my media files (e.g., photos, pdf files) would NOT get transferred; hence, all the work of re-inserting them.
  3. This should really be #1 – make sure you know the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. I am embarrassed to say that I didn’t know the difference, and couldn’t wait to begin monetizing the blog, only to discover that there is very little monetizing you can do on WordPress.com.

I’m sure there are more lessons, but right now, my brain is fried. Believe it or not, my next goal is to move from WordPress.com to WordPress.org because I really want to monetize this blog. But I am going to take my time with this project so I get it right.

I've been crocheting for over 40 years and blogging since 2004 - two of my favorite things in the world to do besides walking the beaches of windward Oahu, Hawaii.

2 comments On Lessons Learned From Migrating My Crochet Blog From Typepad to WordPress.com

  • Congratulations for getting it all done! You have such a lovely site here, a real yarn-lovers paradise. 🙂

    • Thanks Pointe-shoe-brands (aka lperry)! I’ve really enjoyed blogging about crochet and fiber arts. I’m still figuring out this WordPress platform, so I’ve been a bit slow responding to comments. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check it all out..

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