One of the questions I ask people who are ordering custom-made crochet photo patterns is, “How do you want to crochet it, from the bottom up or side to side?

For some of you who are new to crocheting these patterns, it’s often a question you’re not sure how to answer. So let’s take a look at what I mean by “from the bottom up” and “side to side” and discuss the difference in the context of crocheting a face.

Crocheting From the Bottom Up



When crocheting from the bottom up, you will be starting at the bottom of the image. As you continue crocheting, the image on your piece will gradually unfold until you reach the top of the image and the end of the pattern.

The photo above illustrates a piece that was crocheted from the bottom up. When crocheting a face from the bottom up, the chin will appear first, then the mouth, then the nose, then the eyes, and finally the forehead and hair (or hat in this case) at the very end of the pattern.

Another way to distinguish a bottom-up from a side-to-side pattern piece is that, in a bottom up piece, the lines formed between the crocheted rows are horizontal, running from one side of the image to the other.

Crocheting Side to Side



With a side-to-side pattern, you will be starting at one side of the face and crocheting to the other side. In other words, one cheek will appear first, then the first eye, then the nose and mouth, then the second eye, and finally, the other cheek at the end of the pattern.



Another distinguishing characteristic of a side-to-side piece is that, when you have the piece in your lap or on a table as you’re crocheting it, the face, as it unfolds, will be lying on its side.

It’s as if you are viewing that same cloth-covered mirror, but the face is revealed as if the mirror image is lying on a bed facing you, and the cloth is raised to reveal one side of the face across to the other side.



Finally, when the piece is completed and you turn it so that you’re viewing it face to face, the lines between the crocheted rows are vertical, running from the top of the face to the bottom.

Which Way Is Better?

I have a personal preference for side-to-side patterns, especially when crocheting faces. I think the resulting piece looks more realistic with the lines between the rows running vertically instead of horizontally.

On the other hand, I get customers who love to crochet graphghans and are used to crocheting them from the bottom up. So I’m more than happy to accommodate this preference.

It’s really up to you. Why not try both types of patterns to see which one you prefer?

For more information on how to order a crochet photo pattern created from a personal photo, click HERE.

I've been crocheting for over 40 years and blogging since 2004 - two of my favorite things in the world to do besides walking the beaches of windward Oahu, Hawaii.

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